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NYC Bar & Bat Mitzvah Photographer - New York City Party & Portrait Photography
This b'nai mitzvah religious portrait was taken at NYC synagogue by bar bat mitzvah photographer, Teri Bloom, of NY City.
Danielle & Josh's B'Nai Mitzvah

Reception at 24 Fifth Avenue

Bar mitzvah photography was taken in New York City by bat mitzvah photographer Teri Bloom.
Logan's Bar Mitzvah

Reception at Museum of Natural History's Powerhouse

This is a bar mitzvah religious portraits in New York City, taken by NYC bat b'nail mitzvah photographer Teri Bloom.
David's Bar Mitzvah

Reception at Crimson, Flatiron District, NY City

Lucio's Bar Mitzvah, B'nai Jeshurun
Lucio's Bar Mitzvah

B'nai Jeshurun